How do I restore deleted members?

When can profiles be restored?

- When the profile is deleted/lost its last team affiliation in the club on SportMember

- Both deleted coaches and members can be restored

Il n'y a pas de réponse à cette question qui est liée à l'utilisation de SportMember depuis l'application.

Open Members and Deleted Members

  1. Click on on the top left
  2. Click on MEMBERS
  3. Click on Deleted members

All deleted members now appear in a table listed by most recently deleted. Find the member's name (search in the search box if necessary) and click on under Actions on the far right of the member's name.

Note: Be sure to keep an eye on the member list itself. We often find that deleted members show duplicate profiles, which therefore do NOT need to be recreated

  • TIP: If you have a lot of deleted members, you can sort the filter first by Team, Department and/or Deleted( by/before a specific date)

  • TIP: You can select several members at once by ticking the box to the far left of the member's name (tick the box). Then reset these by clicking on

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