How do I decide if coaches should be able to see overdues information?

Why is it good for coaches to see members overdues?

- To be able to appeal to the member to pay the membership fee

- To facilitate the treasurer's work

- To be able to refuse the member to attend a match/training before the membership fee is paid

Il n'y a pas de réponse à cette question qui est liée à l'utilisation de SportMember depuis l'application.

Open Club settings and Finance

  1. Click on in the bottom left corner
  2. Click on Club settings
  3. Click on Finance on the left
  4. Turn Show which members owe the club on or off

  • TIP: You can also turn on or off whether members should be able to see who is blocked from signing up for activities due to non-payment. This is called Show informations about banned players to other players

In the coach's SportMember app, there will now be a next to members on the coach's team who have not paid their membership fee on time.

Note: The coach can see as long as the member has at least one outstanding membership fee with your club. Even if it is not the membership fee of the coach's team

As club administrator, you can completely deny the member to participate in activities on SportMember if they have an outstanding membership fee. See this guide.

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