Info screen

Does your club have trouble distributing all the relevant members information ? A monitor and SportMember might be the easy solution to your problem. Just as easily as the club can allocate it’s resources such as pitches, halls, changing rooms etc. to the individual teams in the club, the clubs can also set up their own infoscreens that offers the members an overview of which resources are booked or available. Digitalise your club house with SportMember and post all relevant members info for everyone to see.

Members information for everyone - also spectators

The infoscreen is designed for both club members and visitors that are interested in knowing which pitch is used on given dates and times. These infoscreens can also share other relevant content such as pictures, news, weather updates etc. This gives you the opportunity to have members info from SportMember shared on your infoscreens with the digital signage software we created. If some members don’t have the SportMember app accessible in the club house, you can make sure that everybody is up to date with an updated infoscreen. 

Prêt à commencer ?

Votre club à votre façon ! Gérez votre club avec SportMember et allégez votre charge de travail. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter, nous serons ravis de vous aider à démarrer la gestion de votre club sur SportMember.
Combien ça coûte ?
Quels sont les besoins de votre club ? Abonnement Basique ou PRO ?
Aperçu des fonctions
Il n'y a pas deux clubs identiques - notre logiciel pour clubs sportifs convient à tout le monde.
Aperçu des fonctions