How do I delete my SportMember profile?

Deletion and/or unscribing from teams

- When you sign off from a team, you lose your team affiliation to that specific team

- You keep your team/club affiliation for your remaining teams

- If you sign off from your last/only team on SportMember, your profile will become teamless

- Once your profile is deleted, you can no longer log in to your profile

There are several ways to unsubscribe/unsubscribe from teams on SportMember.

Unsubscribe from a team

  1. Go to TEAMS
  2. Press Withdraw from this team

Note: If you have an outstanding membership fee with the club, you will NOT be allowed to unsubscribe from the team

Delete your profile from SportMember

Open Profile Settings and Delete Profile

  1. Press in the top right corner
  3. Press Delete your user profile
  4. Press the red Delete button

Note: If you have an outstanding subscription, you will NOT be allowed to delete your profile.

Instead, you can pay your subscription, contact your association or simply click on Send request

If the club is responsible for deletion

You may find that your club has blocked you from deleting/unscribing teams on SportMember.

In this case you MUST contact your club or simply click on Send request

There are several ways to unsubscribe/delete from teams on SportMember.

Unsubscribe from a team

  1. Click on at the top right
  3. Click on Personal Team Information on the left
  4. Find the specific team you want to unsubscribe and click on the red button Withdraw from this team

Note: If you have an outstanding subscription with the club, you will NOT be allowed to unsubscribe from the team

Delete your profile from SportMember

Open Profile settings and Delete profile

  1. Click on in the top right corner
  3. Click on Delete your user profile on the left
  4. Click on the red button Delete

Note: If you have an outstanding subscription, you will NOT be allowed to delete your profile.

Instead, you can pay your dues, contact your association or simply click on Submit Request

If the club is responsible for deletion

You may find that your club has blocked you from deleting/unregistering teams on SportMember.

In this case you MUST contact your club or simply click on Send request

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Votre club à votre façon ! Gérez votre club avec SportMember et allégez votre charge de travail. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter, nous serons ravis de vous aider à démarrer la gestion de votre club sur SportMember.
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Quels sont les besoins de votre club ? Abonnement Basique ou PRO ?
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