Open Payment activity

  1. Press Calendar at the bottom of the screen
  2. Find the payment activity and click on the green Attend button
  3. Select the product, possibly several tickets, accept the conditions and click on Go to secure payment
  4. Make the payment by entering your card details
  5. You are now registered for the paid activity.

On the paid activity, your name will now appear under Subscribers with the amount and date of payment.

You will immediately receive a receipt by e-mail.

Use it as proof for the coach/club manager if necessary.

Open Payment activity

  1. Click on Team
  2. Click on the Calendar in the overview on the left side
  3. Find the payment activity and click on the green Attend button
  4. Select the product, possibly several tickets, accept the conditions and click on Pay
  5. Make the payment by entering your card details
  6. You are now registered for the paid activity.

On the paid activity, your name will now appear under Subscribers with the amount and date of payment.

You will immediately receive a receipt by e-mail.

Use it as proof for the coach/club manager if necessary.

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