How do I change the settings for unsubscribing an activity?

Go toTeam settings

  1. Press at the top right
  3. Press Activity settings

Here you can choose if these prerequisites should apply to the team:

  • Turn on or off "Message with reason for unattending an activity should be inserted as a comment on the absence list"
  • Turn on "Message with reason for unattending an activity should only end up in the coach chat".
  • Turn on "Message with reason for unattending an activity should only end up in the activity chat".
  • Turn on or off "Demand reason for unattending an activity"

Go to Team settings

  1. Click on at the bottom left
  2. Go to Team settings
  3. Click on Calendar on the left

Here you can choose if these prerequisites should apply to the team:

  • Turn on or off "Message with reason for unattending an activity should be inserted as a comment on the absence list"
  • Turn on "Message with reason for unattending an activity should only end up in the coach chat".
  • Turn on "Message with reason for unattending an activity should only end up in the activity chat".
  • Turn on or off "Demand reason for unattending an activity"
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