What are the benefits of a club website via SportMember?
- No manual editing: the site updates itself
- Coach and member information is automatically updated
- Fully featured team pages with always up-to-date calendar/fee price
- Integrated team registration forms for SportMember
- The website is available in a Premium version (access to all features) and a banner free version
Here you can read more about the website module and, among other things, purchase options for ad-free and/or Premium layout.
If you have a registered domain name and want your club/association to have its own website address (URL) through SportMember, please contact our support [email protected] to complete the address transfer in collaboration with us. This can only be done withPremium version
Il n'y a pas de réponse à cette question qui est liée à l'utilisation de SportMember depuis l'application.
Open Web and Create a website.
Click on Club in the top left corner
Click on Web
Then click on the green button Create website on the top right
Follow the creation flow and you have now created a club website via SportMember.
Menu and pages
By clicking on the Pages button in the top left and then Page menu, you can create and edit your pages. The default pages are imported from SportMember, but you can freely add new pages and subpages by using the three dots to the right of the page title.
By clicking on the Pages button in the top left corner and then Layout, you can choose the layout of your website: your club's logo, spacing, the colour palette, title colours and button colours, and the colour of your footer.
Edit the content
By clicking on the Edit button on the left, you can edit the content of the page you are currently on. You will have the option to:
Add a row and select the layout by clicking
Change the background and layout of a row, move a row up and down, and delete a row.
Add a content type to a row by clicking
Website settings
Clicking on the Tools button in the top left corner gives you access to the basic settings:
Make the website public (your website will be visible to everyone on search engines)
Add your Google Analytics details if you have an account
Votre club à votre façon ! Gérez votre club avec SportMember et allégez votre charge de travail. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter, nous serons ravis de vous aider à démarrer la gestion de votre club sur SportMember.