How do I send reminders to members who have not paid their membership fee?

How do reminders work?

- Can ONLY be sent to people with outstanding membership fee

- The system checks itself who can receive reminders, based on members' payments via the SportMember app

- You can send an unlimited number of reminders

- Reminder does NOT act as a reminder fee (we do not charge an extra administration fee for sending payment emails as reminders)

- The administration fee is only added when the member does the actual payment transaction (NOT when you send the reminder)

Il n'y a pas de réponse à cette question qui est liée à l'utilisation de SportMember depuis l'application.

Open Finance and Individual Payments

  1. Click on in the top left corner
  2. Click on  Membership fees
  3. Click on Created payments on the left

You will now see the payment summary and can choose to send a reminder to one person or even several people at once.

Reminder to one outstanding person

  1. Click on  in the Actions column in the same row as the member's name
  2. Choose between the two templates: Reminder 1 orReminder 2
  3. Add additional comment to the reminder email
  4. Finish with Send and a new payment email will be sent to the member

    Note: Put the mouse on  to see when the last reminder was sent. You can send as many reminders as you want.

Reminder to several/all outstanding persons at once

  1. Select multiple reminders to the far left of the member's name (tick the box). Alternatively, tick the box at the top left of the Name column to select ALL PAYMENTS.
  2. Click on  in the Actions column in the blue row at the top
  3. The list of selected/all outstanding will be displayed. Select the intermediate templates
  4. Add additional comment to the reminder email
  5. Finish with Send and a new payment email will be sent to the member

    Note: Put the mouse on  to see when the last reminder was sent. You can send as many reminders as you want.

  • TIP: You may want to sort your filter first, so that you only see all outstanding amounts (because everyone with status Paid should of course not receive a reminder).
    Click Status and tick Not paid. You can also use Payment period and tick Last 6 months or maybe Last 12 months.

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